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Catalysis and Future Electricity Technology: What is the Connection?
发布日期:2016-10-17   浏览次数:

题目:Catalysis and Future Electricity Technology: What is the Connection?

主讲:Hans Niemantsverdriet




主讲简介:Hans Niemantsverdriet,荷兰埃因霍温大学教授。研究专长:催化材料、清洁能源。Hans教授从事催化理论和技术及其在清洁能源开发与利用中应用研究近三十年,发表了论文300余篇,H-index为45,出版专著3部。其中Concepts of modern catalysis and Kinetics被公认为世界权威催化课程经典教材。Hans教授现受聘荷兰埃因霍温理工大学,系国际催化知名杂志Journal of Catalysis的主编。

主讲内容:Future generation of electricity by solar and wind will increasingly become more decentralized and be subject to the intermittency of climate conditions. At the same time high-energy density fuels will stay as a necessity for heavy duty and air transportation, while such fuels are also excellent media for storage of energy. Electrocatalytic decomposition of water and probably also carbon dioxide followed by catalysis for the production of fuels will become crucially important. For China, such technology will even offer opportunities for the responsible and clean utilization of coal, with carbon emissions equivalent to those of natural gas utilization. The lecture will address the materials science aspects of catalysis for the decomposition of water, and the generation of synthetic fuels.

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