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Electron-Transfer Chemistry of Functional Nanoparticles: Fundamental Insights and Implication in Fuel Cell Electrocatalysis
发布日期:2018-12-24   浏览次数:

讲座报告主题:Electron-Transfer Chemistry of Functional Nanoparticles: Fundamental Insights and Implication in Fuel Cell Electrocatalysis
专家姓名:Shaowei Chen
日期:2018-12-25 时间:15:30

主讲简介:Shaowei Chen,现为加州大学圣克鲁兹分校教授,UCSC COSMOS项目总负责人,同时担任Science of Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Focus等多个国际刊物编辑或编委。其研究内容主要涉及高效储能材料、电催化新材料、纳米多孔材料等。已在Science, Nature Materials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. J. Am. Chem. Soc. ACS Nano,Nano Lett. Adv. Mater.等国际知名刊物上发表论文300余篇,入选2018年度高被引科学家榜单。

主讲内容:Organically capped metal nanoparticles represent a unique class of functional nanomaterials that have attracted a great deal of attention in diverse areas of research. With the organic-inorganic composite structures, the nanoparticle structures and properties have long been known to be manipulated by both the organic capping ligands and the metal cores. Recently we have shown that metal-ligand interfacial bonding interactions may also play a significant role in controlling the nanoparticle optical and electronic properties. In this presentation, we will describe several examples where a range of metal-ligand interfacial bonds may be readily prepared and discuss their impacts on nanoparticle electron-transfer chemistry and the implication in the electrocatalytic performance of nanoparticle catalysts in fuel cell electrochemistry.


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