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 姓名:张侃          硕士生导师             
 职称:           副教授







2011-2015, 华东理工大学, 材料科学与工程学院,硕博连读

2007-2011, 华东理工大学, 材料科学与工程学院, 学士





  项  目:

1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51603093):基于主链型苯并噁嗪的新型低介电常数聚合物薄膜的分子设计、结构与性能,主持;

2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(BK20160515):基于主链苯并噁嗪的高性能热固性树脂的分子设计及其结构-性能关联研究,主持;

3. 江苏省博士后科研资助计划A类资助(1601015A):新型降冰片烯封端型苯并噁嗪齐聚物的结构调控与性能研究,主持;

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助(2016M600369):新型马来酰亚胺官能化苯并噁嗪的分子设计与性能,主持;

5. 常州市杰出创新人才云计划(CQ20164016)苯并噁嗪树脂基纤维复合材料的制备及其改性技术研发,主持;

6. 江苏大学英才培育计划,主持;

7. 江苏省第十四批六大人才高峰高层次人才培育项目(XCL-120):纤维增强苯并噁嗪树脂基复合材料高性能化研究,主持;

8. 江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划-双创博士,主持。

  奖  项:











担任Reactive and Functional PolymersRSC AdvancesPolymer InternationalJournal of Applied Polymer ScienceComposite Interfaces等期刊审稿人。


1. Kan Zhang, Jia Liu, Seishi Ohashi, Zhewen Han, Hatsuo Ishida. A Ultra High Performance Crosslinked Polybenzoxazole via Thermal Conversion from High Performance Crosslinked Polyimide Based on Main-Chain Type Polybenzoxazine. 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, August 10-14, 2014, San Francisco, USA.

2. Kan Zhang, Hatsuo Ishida. Smart Synthesis of High Performance Poly(benzoxazole-co-imide) via Thermal Conversion from Poly(amide-co-imide) Based on ortho-(amide-co-imide) Functional Benzoxazines. 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, August 10-14, 2014, San Francisco, USA.

3. Kan Zhang, Seishi Ohashi, Hatsuo Ishida. Structure Property Relationships of ortho-Functional Benzoxazine Monomers toward to High Performance Thermosets.249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, March22-26, 2015, Denver, USA.

4. Seishi Ohashi, Kan Zhang, Hatsuo Ishida. Synthesis and Liquid Crystalline Behavior of the Novel Discotic Benzenetrisamide-Based Benzoxazine, 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, March 22-26, 2015, Denver, USA.

5. Hatsuo Ishida, Kan Zhang, Jia Liu, Pablo Fromowicz. A smart chemical approach for developing very high performance polybenzoxazines and molecular understanding of the unusual properties, 5th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials (ASAM-5), November, 2015, Busan, Korea.

6. Hatsuo Ishida, Kan Zhang, Pablo Froimowicz. Overview of Benzoxazine Resins and Design Principle for Developing Very High Performance Polymers with Easy Processability. Topical Conference (TOPCON), March, 2016, Cleveland, USA.

7. 高性能邻位官能化苯并噁嗪的分子设计及其性能研究, 第二届全国苯并噁嗪树脂学术及应用研讨会, 2016年6月24日-27日, 四川成都, 中国.(口头报告)

8. Kan Zhang, Maiyong Zhu, Shuping Wu, Songjun Li. A High Performance Crosslinked Polybenzoxazole Based on Main-Chain Type Polybenzoxazine. The third International Congress on Advanced Materials (AM 2016), November 27-30, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.

 9.Lu Han, Pablo Froimowicz, Kan Zhang, Hatsuo Ishida. Study of the

 Intramolecular and Inter molecular Hydrogen-bonded Amide-containing

 Benzoxazines. Annual ACS Meeting, August,2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,  USA.




1. Kan Zhang*, Lu Han, Pablo Froimowicz, Hatsuo Ishida. A Smart Latent Catalyst Containing o-Trifluoroacetamide Functional Benzoxazine: Precursor for Low Temperature Formation of Very High Performance Polybenzoxazole with Low Dielectric Constant and High Thermal Stability. Macromolecules, 2017, 50, 6552-6560.

2. Kan Zhang, Jia Liu, Hatsuo Ishida. An Ultra High Performance Crosslinked Polybenzoxazole via Thermal Conversion from Poly(benzoxazine amice acid) Based on Smart ortho-Benzoxazine Chemistry. Macromolecules, 2014, 47: 8674-8681.

3. Kan Zhang, Qixin Zhuang, Xiaoyun Liu, Guang Yang, Ruilong Cai, Zhewen Han. A New Benzoxazine Containing Benzoxazole-Functionalized Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsequioxane and the Corresponding Polybenzoxazine Nanocomposites. Macromolecules, 2013, 46: 2696-2704.

4. Kan Zhang*, Lu Han, Pablo Froimowicz, Hatsuo Ishida. Synthesis, Polymerization Kinetics and Thermal Properties of para-Methylol Functional Benzoxazine. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2017.06.017.

5. Kan Zhang*, Jiaming Qiu, Songjun Li, Zhikun Shang, Jinyun Wang. Remarkable Improvement of Thermal Stability of Main-Chain Benzoxazine Oligomer by Incorporating o-Norbornene as Terminal Functionality. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2017, 134, 45408.

6. Kan Zhang, Zhikun Shang, Shuping Wu, Jinyun Wang, Weicheng Sheng, Xiaojuan Shen, Maiyong Zhu. Commercialized Benzoxazine Resin-Derived Porous Carbon as High Performance Electrode Materials for Supercapacitor. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2017, 27: 1423-1429.

7. Lu Han, Kan Zhang, Hatsuo Ishida, Pablo Froimowicz. Study of the Effects of Intramolecular and Intermolecular Hydrogen-Bonding Systems on the Polymerization of Amide-containing Benzoxazines. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 218, 1600562.

Article award by the editor in chief with the Front Cover of the journal, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 18/2017, Lu Han, Kan Zhang, Hatsuo Ishida, Pablo Froimowicz, DOI: 10.1002/mcp.20170055.

8. Lun Han, Maria Laura Salum, Kan Zhang, Pablo Froimowicz, Hatsuo Ishida. Intrinsic Self-Initiating Thermal Ring-Opening Polymerization of 1,3-Benzoxazines Without the Influence of Impurities Using Very High Purity Crystals. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 55, 3434-3445.

9. Chunying Min*, Dengdeng Liu, Chen Shen, Qiaqia Zhang, Haojie Song, Songjun Li, Xiaojuan Shen, Dong Xu, Maiyong Zhu, Kan Zhang*. Unique synergistic effects of graphene oxide and carbon nanotube hybrids on the tribological properties of polyimide nanocomposites. Tribology International, 2018, 117, 217-224.

10. Kan Zhang, Pablo Froimowicz, Lu Han, Hatsuo Ishida. Hydrogen-Bonding Characteristic and Unique Ring-Opening Polymerization Behavior of Ortho-Methylol Functional Benzoxazine. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2016,54, 3635-3642.

11. Pablo Froimowicz, Kan Zhang, Hatsuo Ishida. Intramolecular Hydorgen-Bonding in Benzoxazines: When Structural Design Becomes Functional. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2016, 222691-2707.

12. Kan Zhang*, Hatsuo Ishida. An Anomalous Trade-off Effect on the Properties of Smart ortho-Functional Benzoxazines. Polymer Chemistry. 2015, 6:2541-2550.

13. Kan Zhang, Hatsuo Ishida. Thermally Stable Polybenzoxazines via ortho-Norbornene Functional Benzoxazine Monomers: Unique Advantages in Monomer Synthesis, Processing and Polymer Properties. Polymer, 2015, 66: 240-248.

14. Kan Zhang, Jia Liu, Seishi Ohashi, Xiaoyun Liu, Zhewen Han, Hatsuo Ishdia. Synthesis of High Thermal Stability Polybenzoxazole via ortho-Imide-Functional Benzoxazine Monomers. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2015, 53, 1330-1338. (Spotlight Article)

15. Kan Zhang, Hatsuo Ishida. Smart Synthesis of High Performance Thermosets Based on ortho-Amide-Imide Functional Benzoxazines. Frontiers in Materials, 2015, 2, Article 5, DOI: 10.3389/fmats. 2015.0005. (Invited Paper)

16. Kan Zhang, Ruilong Cai, Qixin Zhuang, Xiaoyun Liu, Guang Yang, Zhewen Han. High Performance Crosslinked System Based on Reaction of Benzoxazine with Benzoxazole. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2014, 52: 1514-1518.

17. Kan Zhang*, Jia Liu, Hatsuo Ishida. High Performance Crosslinked Polyimide Based on Main-Chain Type Polybenzoxazine. RSC Advances, 2014, 4: 62550-62556.

18. Kan Zhang, Qixin Zhuang, Yunchao Zhou, Xiaoyun Liu, Guang Yang, Zhewen Han. Preparation and Properties of Novel Low Dielectric Constant Benzoxazole-Based Polybenzoxazine. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 50: 5115-5123.


1. Kan Zhang, Pablo Froimowicz, Hatsuo Ishida. Development of New Generation Thermosets Based on Smart ortho-Benzoxazine Chemistry. In Advanced and Emerging Polybenzoxazine Science and Technology. Editor: Hatsuo Ishida and Pablo Froimowicz. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2017, ISBN: 9780128041703.

2. Seishi Ohashi, Kan Zhang, Richao Ran, Carlos Rodriguez Arza, Pablo Froimowicz, Hatsuo Ishida. Preparation of High Purity samples, Effect of Purity on Properties, and FTIR, Raman, 1H and 13C NMR, and DSC Data of Highly Purified Benzoxazine Monomers. In Advanced and Emerging Polybenzoxazine Science and Technology. Editor: Hatsuo Ishida and Pablo Froimowicz. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2017, ISBN: 9780128041703.


1. 张侃,商枝坤,王瑾赟,韩璐,朱脉勇,袁新华,吴述平,李松军. 一种马来酰亚胺基团封端型的苯并噁嗪齐聚物及其制备方法,201611180419.5.

2. 张侃,仇嘉明,韩璐,申小娟,陈星伟,黎焜铨. 一种降冰片烯基封端型苯并噁嗪齐聚物及其制备方法,201611180446.2.

3. 张侃,王瑾赟,商枝坤,朱脉勇,袁新华,吴述平,李松军. 一种基于主链型苯并噁嗪制备聚苯并噁唑的方法,201611180390.0.

4. 张侃,商枝坤,朱脉勇,袁新华,吴述平,申小娟,李松军. 一种含脂环烃酰亚胺基团的单官能苯并噁嗪及其制备方法,201710229092.4.

5. 张侃,王瑾赟,朱脉勇,袁新华,吴述平,李松军. 一种含脂环烃酰亚胺二胺型苯并噁嗪及其制备方法,201710229091.X.

6. 张侃,喻馨叶,孙林. 一种苯并噁唑树脂及其方法,201710231587.0.

7. 张侃,谈昆伦,商枝坤,王瑾赟,刘时海,季小强. 一种邻位马来酰亚胺单官能化苯并噁嗪单体及其制备方法,CN106220620A.

8. 张侃,谈昆伦,商枝坤,王瑾赟,季小强,刘时海. 一种含邻位马来酰亚胺基团双苯并噁嗪单体及其制备方法,CN106366079A.

9.张侃,谈昆伦,刘时海,季小强,何梦瑶,谢波,韦俊. 一种邻位酰亚胺官能化苯并   噁嗪树脂碳纤维层压复合材料及其制备方法,CN106280442A.

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