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Faculty & Staff
Qiuhong Pan


Research Interests:

Processing technology of high performance nonferrous materials

Personal Summary:

· Associate Professor, Jiangsu University, China. 2011/07 – Present
· M. Sc.: Physics(Advanced Electronics) 2005-2008(Punjab University Lahore, Pakistan(Master of Engineering:Materials Science2004-2008(Jiangsu University, China)

Honorary and Awards:

1. Development and industrialization of the key technology of high precision and high quality aluminum foil stock, won the three prize of Zhenjiang science and Technology Advanced Award (2014)
2. Key technology of producing 8A01 alloy aluminum foil by cast-rolling stock, the first prize of  university-industry cooperation of zhenjiang(2013)

Recent Publications:

1. Present situation and measures of Energy Saving and Emission reduction in Aluminium Plate and Strip processing Industry in China.Light alloy processing technology, 2011, 39(5): 17-20.
2. Synthesis and Tribological Behavior of Oil-soluble Cu Nanoparticles as Additive in SF15W/40 Lubricating oil. Rare metal materials and Engineering, 2010, 39(10):1711-1714.
3. Reasons and Countermeasures for the foaming of cold rolled aluminum strip rolling oil. Lubrication and seal, 2008, 33(12):89- 91.
4. Influence of homogenizing annealing on anisotropy of aluminum sheet with roll-casting and cold rolling.  Forging technology, 2008, 33(6):128-131.
5. Study on Microstructure and mechanical properties of of Aluminum/Steel.Hot Working Technology,2016, 45(23): 74-76.
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