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Faculty & Staff
Xiangdong HUO


Research Interests:

Physical Metallurgy of Steel

Personal Summary:

· Associate Professor, Jiangsu University, China. 2008/05 – Present
· Post-Doctorate Research Fellowship 2004/03 – 2006/05
· Doctor's degree (Ph.D) 2000—2004
Department of Material Physics and Chemistry , University of Science and technology Beijing, Beijing China
· M. Sc.: 1997--2000
Department of Materials Processing and Control Engineering, University of Science and technology Beijing, Beijing China

Honorary and Awards:

1. First Prize of Science and Technical progress of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, 2004.2 (10/15)
2.First Prize of Science and Technical progress of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, 2008.1 (14/15)
3. The outstanding award of the Chinese patent award 2009 (14/15)
4. The gold medal of the Guangdong patent award 2009(1/1)
5. First prize in the achievements of China University research and research cooperation innovation,2016.11 (2/7)
6. Second prize in the achievements of China University research and research cooperation innovation,2017.11 (2/7)

Recent Publications:

[1] Huo Xiangdong, Li yuqian, zhao yutao, zhanghaiwang,lizhaohui. Effect of cooling parameters on the microstructure and properties of Mo-bearing and Cr-bearing steels[J]. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials,2011,18(5):551-556 (SCI)
[2] HUO Xiang-dong, MAO Xin-ping, LV Sheng-xia. Effect of Annealing Temperature on Recrystallization Behavior of Cold Rolled Ti-Microalloyed Steel[J].JOURNAL OF IRON AND STEEL,INTERNATIONAL.2013,20(9): 105-110 (SCI)
[3] Xiang-dong HUO, Lie-jun LI, Zheng-wu PENG, Song-junCHEN. Effects of TMCP Schedule on Precipitation, Microstructure and Properties of  Ti-microalloyed High Strength Steel[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2016,23(6): 593-601.(SCI)
[4] Xinping Mao, Xiangdong Huo, Xinjun Sun,,et al. Strengthening mechanisms of a new 700MPa hot rolled Ti-microalloyed steel produced by compact strip production[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2010, 210: 1660-1666. (SCI/EI )
[5] Xiangdong Huo, Liejun Li. Physical Metallurgy of Steel [M]. First edition. Metallurgical Industry Press, Beijing. 2017.12.
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