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Faculty & Staff
Haitao Zhou


Research Interests:

1. Synthesis and characterization of inorganic non-metallic energy materials (including functional ceramic materials and nano-carbon materials)
2. Electrochemistry, including high-power energy storage devices (supercabatteries and supercapacitors), prelithiation, electroplating
3. Research on solid state ionic and solid state electrolyte

Personal Summary:

· Associate Professor, Jiangsu University, China. 2016/05 – Present
· Post-Doctorate Research Fellowship 2013/02 – 2015/02, The Department of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway,
· Doctor’s degree (Ph.D) 2010/01-2013/01
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway,
· M. Sc.: Materials Science and Engineering (Material Physics and Chemistry) 2007/09-2009/12
Central South University, China

Honorary and Awards:

Innovative and entrepreneurial PhD of Jiangsu Province"  (2018-01 to Present) in "High-power energy storage devices"

Recent Publications:

1. Zhou, H.; Wang, X.; Sheridan, E.; Gao, H.; Du, J.; Yang, J.; Chen, D., Boosting the Energy Density of 3D Dual-Manganese Oxides-Based Li-Ion Supercabattery by Controlled Mass Ratio and Charge Injection. J. Electrochem. Soc. (2016), 163 (13), A2618-A2622.(IF, 3.0)
2. Zhou, H., Wang, X., Chen, D. Li-metal-free prelithiation of Si-based anodes for full Li-ion batteries, (2015) ChemSusChem, 8(16),pp. 2737–2744 (IF, 7.1)
3. Zhou, H., Wang, X., Sheridan, E., Chen, D. Boosting properties of 3D binder-free manganese oxide anodes by preformation of a solid electrolyte interphase. (2015) ChemSusChem, 8(8), pp. 1368-1380 (IF, 7.1)
4. Zhou, H., Lou, F., Vullum, P.E., Einarsrud, M.-A., Chen, D., Vullum-Bruer, F. 3D aligned-carbon-nanotubes@Li2FeSiO4 arrays as high rate capability cathodes for Li-ion batteries, (2013) Nanotechnology, 24 (43), art. no. 435703. (IF, 3.8)
5. Zhou, H., Einarsrud, M.-A., Vullum-Bruer, F. In situ X-ray diffraction and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of a nanoporous Li2FeSiO4/C cathode during the initial charge/discharge cycle of a Li-ion battery, (2013) Journal of Power Sources, 238, pp. 478-484. . (IF, 6.2)
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