1.Xu SJ, Qiao GJ, Wang HJ, Li DC, Lu TJ, Preparation of aligned silicon carbide whiskers from porous carbon foam by silicon thermal evaporation, Materials Letters, 2008, 62(30): 4549-4551
2.Shi ZQ, Wang JP, Qiao GJ, Jin ZH, Effects of weak boundary phases (WBP) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of pressureless sintered Al2O3/h-BN machinable composites, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008, 492(1-2): 29-34
3.Yang GB, Liu YJ, Qiao GJ, Yang JF, Wang HJ, Preparation and R-curve properties of laminated Si/SiC ceramics from paper, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008, 492(1-2): 327-332
4.Xu SJ, Qiao GJ, Wang HJ, Li DC, Lu TJ, Preparation of mesoporous carbon by phenol resin polymerization-dependent phase separation and pyrolysis, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2008, 23(5): 971-974
5.Xu SJ, Qiao GJ, Wang HJ, Li DC, Lu TJ, Preparation of mesoporous carbon derived from mixtures of phenol-formaldehyde resin and ethylene glycol, Materials Letters, 2008, 62(21-22): 3716-3718
6.Li XJ, Qiao GJ, Chen JR, Zhou X, Application on the photonic band gap of titanium dioxide photonic crystals, Progress in Chemistry, 2008, 20(04):491-498
7.Li XJ, Qiao GJ, Chen JR, Influence of surface treatment by nitrogen plasma on absorption property of AC, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2008, 37: 269-299
8.Jin HY, Gao NK, Peng ZR, Qiao GJ, Gao JQ, Fabrication and properties of machinable SiC/h-BN Nano-composites, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 2008, 9(6): 630-633
9.Li XJ, Qiao GJ, Chen JR, The effect of surface modification by nitrogen plasma on photocatalytic degradation of polyvinyl chloride films, Applied Surface Science, 2008, 254(20): 6568-6574
10.Fang GP, Li W, Wang XF, Qiao GJ, Droplet motion on designed microtextured superhydrophobic surfaces with tunable wettability, Langmuir, 2008, 24(20): 11651–11660
11.Li W, Fang GP, Li, YF, Qiao GJ, Anisotropic wetting behavior arising from superhydrophobic surfaces: parallel grooved structure, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112(24):7234–7243
12.Liu GW, Qiao GJ, Wang HJ, Yang JF, Lu TJ, Pressureless brazing of zirconia to stainless steel with Ag-Cu filler metal and TiH2 powder, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2008, 28(14): 2701–2708
13.Wu YJ, Liu J, Meng XF, Chen CF, Luo Y, Tang LQ, Fabrication and performance of PZT piezoceramic fibers, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2008, 37: 580-583
14.Qiu YQ, Liu J, Meng XF, Yan P, Chen CF, Luo Y, The fabrication and properties of 1-3 piezoelectric composite, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2008, 2(4): 53-56